

Moments come and go. Life is sum total of these passing moments. Most of the times, I don’t even realize these moments. It just comes and goes and becomes a moment of past. If only I know the passage of these moments, I will know my life, how I spend it, how I shape it and how it shapes me. But unfortunately, I breathe, see, hear and live each day, each hour and each moment without really being alive! I am like those automated machine doing things as programmed. Get up in the morning and brush teeth, take bath and do morning chores to get ready for the day, drive to work, work till evening, rush back home, do the evening chores and get to bed. How many times do I really notice the morning fog slowly lifting from the mountains while driving to work? How many times do I notice the cars parked in the parking lot or the smell of the freshly cut grass in the lawn in front of the office. Rarely! All those moments that I don’t notice slipping away are moments wasted. I remember nothing about those moments.

Being alive is more than just breathing fresh air and doing chores. It is about realizing the passage of moment, feeling it, absorbing it and living it completely. It seems like a simple task but believe me, if only I can do it fifty precent of times, I would be more than happy. If there is one thing that I want to work on – it is to appreciate my life’s precious moments.

I want to acknowledge each moment, appreciate it, experience it, remember it and live it!

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